In the modern era Engineers have mostly kept a low profile and have not generally become involved in politics; only reacting to the demands of others. Their design skills used to solve problems created by non holistic policies. This is a strange situation when one considers that virtually all items in the world are Designed and Engineered. Most people will look out of their windows and see only man-made objects being totally dependant on the utilities infrastructure for example.
Society must become more aware that a holistic approach to sustainable design must be put into place, and Engineers should take a much more active role in helping to guide the process. Not simply accepting the way things are. Taking “ownership” of their future. It is strongly felt that the current reactive design processes must be changed to proactive ones, and governments need to learn this too.
The time has come to truly respect that Planet Earth's resources are finite and to use them carefully and wisely. It is important for all clients, whether private or corporate, whom are awarding commissions to take sustainability and energy use seriously, with consideration from the outset. Clients need to be much more careful about the manner in which they appoint their consultants. Many, many White Elephants are currently being created in the world and never has the saying: “measure twice cut once” had more weight. Are you making an informed decision or a pre-programmed one, which might be commissioning a Dinosaur?
Mark Lovell